Cookies Policy


1. A cookie is a small text file created when you visit a web page via your Internet browser, which will be stored on your device (mobile or computer).

2. The cookie file collects and contains information related to your behavior, actions and preferences on the web page you are visiting, such as which language you have chosen.

3. This website thus memorizes information about your preferences and applies it to all your future visits to this page. In this way, you will have a simpler, faster and more personalized browsing experience on the BAUTER website.

4. With the exception of cookies that are strictly necessary for the provision of the web service, cookies will only be collected if you freely and expressly consent to their collection.


Regarding its origin:

Own cookies are cookies collected by the visited website – in this case, all cookies collected by BAUTER through

Third-party cookies are cookies collected by websites other than the one you are visiting. By way of example: when you watch a YouTube video via the BAUTER website, YouTube may create and store cookies. BAUTER does not control the use of third-party cookies, so we recommend that you consult their cookie policy before consenting to the collection of third-party cookies.

Regarding their validity:

Session cookies are temporary files that will be deleted as soon as you leave the web page or close the browser you are using.

Persistent cookies are cookies that will remain on your device until they reach their expiration date (which could be days, months or years) or until you delete the cookies from your browser (by deleting your history, for example).

Regarding their purpose:

Strictly necessary cookies are cookies that are required for the website to function. Without these cookies, the services required by the user (website visitor) cannot be provided.

Analytical cookies collect information about the use of the website. They make it possible to analyze statistics (such as the number of visits to the website), measure user behavior (such as the time spent on a page) and monitor the performance and efficiency of the website in general.

Functionality cookies are cookies that store user preferences regarding website configuration, such as language or page display settings. Therefore, if you consent to the collection of these cookies, the settings you set on your first visit to the site will be replicated on subsequent visits.


You can restrict, block or delete cookies from this website at any time by changing your browser settings and following the steps below.

In addition, you can customize the collection of cookies by allowing or rejecting each category of cookie individually.

Finally, if you have consented to the collection of some or all categories of cookies, you can withdraw your consent at any time.


With regard to this cookie policy and the security of your data in general, you can ask BAUTER’s DPO (Data Protection Officer) any questions by e-mailing

For more information on the processing of personal data, please consult our Privacy Policy.